Setting up the scheduler

In order to illustrate what's going on, we'll want a data structure that can store resources to be queried, our systems, and run them. We'll keep it extremely simple:

fn main() {
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::any::{Any, TypeId};
type StoredSystem = ();
struct Scheduler {
    systems: Vec<StoredSystem>,
    resources: HashMap<TypeId, Box<dyn Any>>,

The scheduler stores StoredSystem's (don't worry, we haven't defined those yet) and uses a basic TypeMap which can store one item of every type (provided that the item lives for 'static a.k.a. is not a borrow and does not include a borrow).

What about that StoredSystem? We'll get back to those later, for now just supply it with a dummy definition:

fn main() {
struct StoredSystem;